How Alcohol Addiction Affects You
Those who consume alcohol can be broadly
classified as social drinkers, alcohol abusers, and alcohol addicts.
While social drinkers drink on occasions and can also do without
alcohol, alcohol abusers consume alcohol more frequently. However, they
do not depend on alcohol and can cut back whenever they feel it
necessary. Alcohol addicts, on the contrary are compulsive drinkers who
can never go without alcohol, even for a day. Here are some of the ill
effects of alcohol addiction.
- Ulcer
- Vision problem
- Liver disease
- Heart conditions
- Bone loss
- Low immunity
- Memory loss
- Mood swings
- Emotional withdrawal
Curing Alcohol Addiction Naturally
Though alcohol addiction costs you your
health, relationships, job and social life, quitting alcohol needs more
than self-realisation and will power. To quit alcohol, you need all the
support you can find, and that includes natural remedies. Here are 5
natural ways to cure alcohol addiction.
Milk Thistle
Milk thistle is one of the most popular
medicinal herbs that address a wide range of medical conditions.
Silymarin in milk thistle is a natural flavonoid and a potent
antioxidant. It helps to repair damaged liver cells and improves its
function. It protects liver from damage caused by alcohol. Being a
potent antioxidant, milk thistle inhibits harmful toxins and also expels
toxins in liver.
You can add a few drops of diluted milk
thistle tincture to a glass of water. You can also add stalks of milk
thistle to your salad. If you are looking for some flavor, you may crush
milk thistle seeds and add them to fresh fruit juice.
Kudzu is yet another ancient herb that
has been used for centuries to treat alcohol addiction. Harvard
University confirms effects of kudzu on binge drinkers. The herb reduces
cravings for alcohol and it also slows down the drinking speed. It
boosts the detoxifying capacity of liver and promotes liver function. It
contains puerarin, which improves brain flow and helps with alcohol
Following a balanced diet that comprises
of essential nutrients and vitamins, along with foods that reduce
cravings and repair damages caused by alcohol, may help you out of
alcohol addiction. Go for foods rich in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium,
essential fatty acids, and glutamine. Supplements may help you get your
share of vitamins and minerals.
Include fruits and vegetables that aid
in curing alcohol addiction. An apple a day not only keeps the doctor
away, but also the liquor away. Apple reduces cravings for alcohol,
while also helping to remove toxins.
Grapes have a natural place in treating
alcohol addiction. Containing alcohol in its purest form, grapes reduce
alcohol cravings.
Bitter gourd juice is effective in
treating alcohol addiction. Taking the juice in the morning helps to
reverse damage caused to the liver by alcohol.
Ibogaine Treatment
Ibogaine, an extract of the root bark of
African shrub, plays an important role in treating alcohol addiction.
The naturally occurring psychoactive obtained from the bark of iboga
plant has been effectively used in treating various addictions. Ibogaine
treats dependence on alcohol, drugs, and nicotine and is also effective
for depression. It develops self-awareness and aids in spiritual
growth. Many people who have undergone Ibogaine treatment
feel that it was a life-changing event. The treatment addresses both
physical and psychological causes of addiction and hence the cure is
more effective and longer lasting.
Yoga, the ancient art, offers a long
list of health benefits to promote physical and mental health.
Practicing yoga can help you to be relieved of alcohol addiction, as it
creates bodily awareness and elevates your mind to a higher plane where
addictions have no place. Yoga builds your physical strength and makes
you mentally stronger. It promotes liver health and detoxifies the body
thereby promoting overall health. Yoga practice is a great way to treat
stress and mood swings that are common in those who are recovering from
alcohol addiction.
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