4 Benefits of Whey Protein for Your Workout


4 Benefits of Whey Protein for Your Workout
You’ve probably been bombarded with promotional material for various proteins and supplements. If you’re trying to get into shape, it can be hard to know which ones are REALLY good for you. Committing to a protein-shake just because it’s got snazzy advertising isn’t always the best idea. Thankfully, there are some proteins that really do come with a lot of benefits. We’re going to look at 5 of them that are associated with whey protein, and why it could be good for your workout.
1. It helps you lose fat while preserving muscle
If you’re trying to get ripped, this has got to be one of the biggest benefits of whey protein. Research has shown that those who consume whey while cutting their calorie intake lost more body fat and retained more muscle compared to those who didn’t. This means you could add the pounds in muscle while shedding it in unwanted body-fat.
2. Helps to increase size and strength
Another study also showed that those who took whey an hour before a workout-out managed to increase their fat-free mass and muscle strength compared to those who took a placebo.
3. Helps to reduce stress
While exercising regularly is said to be a good way of relieving stress, those who take whey protein could be protecting themselves even more. Research has suggested that those who consume whey protein are more likely to be in a better mood and less stressed than those who don’t, because of a change of serotonin levels in the brain.
4. It improves your immune system
Evidence has suggested that particularly strenuous exercise could adversely affect your immune system. This could be problematic if you’re lifting really heavy. However, research has also suggested that consuming whey protein reduces this effect on your nervous system and helps keep you protected.
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Darlington Nnamani is a Category Editor at Amazing9ja.A Writer,Wedding Photographer,Photo journalist and A music critic.follow me on instagram @darlingtonemy
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